Helena Ribeiro Pedrosa

Helena Ribeiro Pedrosa

Trainee Lawyer

What are your areas of specialty?

For the moment, I have not yet determined my area of specialty. I remain curious and open to the elements that my training and my practical experience will bring me. As a trainee lawyer, I am diversifying my practice into advising and representing clients in criminal, civil and administrative authorities, while acquiring corporate and commercial skills.

What kind of matters do you enjoy the most?

The areas of interest I have had so far are very diverse. At the moment, I would like to deepen my knowledge of white collar crime, digital law and intellectual property law.

Tell us about your academic and professional background.

I did most of my studies at the University of Geneva. I first hold my Bachelor's degree in law. I then completed a bilingual French-German Master of Laws at the Universities of Geneva and Basel. In parallel to my Master's degree, I completed the Certificate in Transnational Law at the University of Geneva. I finally obtained the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions. During my studies, I also participated in two summer schools: the University of Geneva Summer School on Cultural Heritage Law and the WIPO-University of Geneva Summer School on Intellectual Property.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak fluently French, English and Portuguese. I can hold a conversation in German.

What made you want to be a solicitor / lawyer?

I am very interested in many aspects of law, first of all the analytical, reasoning and strategic aspects. I also appreciate the literary and philosophical aspects that can be found in law. Last but not least, I am interested in the prism of observation and understanding of human beings that law can offer.

Business aside, what do you enjoy doing when you are not in the office?

I really enjoy physical activities such as going to the gymand surfing. Beside sports, I also like to read books and make collages

What is your secret talent?

I can play Mario Kart in hard mode.

