Jérémy Collet

Jérémy Collet

+41 227079333

What does your role entail at lecocqassociate ?

I'm an archivist at Lecocqassociate. My job is to ensure that paper and digital documentation is properly filed so that employees can easily find the information or documents they need for their work. To do this, I hold regular discussions with my colleagues to identify their documentation and information retrieval needs.

Tell us about your academic and professional background.

After obtaining my maturity degree in business, I decided to continue my studies at the Haute école de Gestion de Genève. It was there that I discovered the field of information management, which quickly caught my interest. It's a vast field that touches on many different sectors.

Having obtained my bachelor's degree in information management, I decided to focus more specifically on the profession of archivist. It's a profession that caught my attention, as it deals with the management of both historical and current documentation.

I was first hired as an archive stagiaire at the commune of Chêne-Bougeries. There I discovered the profession in greater depth and began to gain experience. Then I was able to get a job at the Transports Public Genevois and then at the Grand Théatre de Genève. In both jobs I was lucky enough to be involved in some big projects. I enjoyed it and obviously gained a lot of experience in the archiving field.

I'm delighted to be able to use all this experience for my work at lecocqassociate and to build on it at the same time.

What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement ?

I don't have one specific professional achievement that I prefer to another. For example, at transports publics genevois, I was able to contribute to a vast project that involved, among other things, tracing the history of public transport in Geneva to create an exhibition as part of Geneva's Heritage Day.

I was also able to work on the inventory and reconditioning of an important collection of documents at the Grand Théâtre de Genève.

I'm now working on a major filing project at lecocqassociate which I hope to bring to a successful conclusion.

What is the most impactful thing you have done ?

For me, the impact of thing I've done can be better assessed by an outsider than by myself. So, I think that the people around me or the people I've worked with would be better placed to answer this question.

How many languages do you speak ?

French is my mother tongue, so I speak it well and fluently. I understand English well. I'm trying to speak it better.

What drives you ?

As far as my work is concerned, my motivation is to be able to help my colleagues as much as possible in their work, particularly in their search for documents and information. I like my job and if my colleagues are happy with what I do for them, I'm happy too.

Outside work, simply doing something I like is enough to motivate me, it keeps me going and makes me enjoy myself.

Business aside, what do you enjoy doing when you are not in the office ?

I like to see my friends and do sports like hiking, jogging and cross-country skiing. I also like riding my motorcycle, drawing and playing video games.

What is your secret talent ?

That's a good question, I don't know if I have a secret talent, I hope I do.




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