Romain Rolland

Romain Rolland

What are your areas of specialty?

Banking & Finance Law and Corporate Law.

What kind of matters do you enjoy the most?

Capital market and mergers & acquisitions transactions, regulatory finance, corporate finance projects as well as corporate structuring.  

What is the most impactful work you have done throughout your career?

The whole array of pro-bono cases I had the chance to work on throughout my career.

Tell us about your academic and professional background.

I graduated with a Master of Law from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) as well as from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (Spain). In addition, I hold an LL.M in Commercial Law from the University of Maastricht (Netherlands).

While attending my studies, I also worked on specific assignments in partnership with the European Commission and the United Nations.

Prior to joining lecocqassociate, I completed a three-year traineeship program for the Brussels Bar Association with the Banking & Finance Department of a top-tier international law firm.

I have also been recognized as a Laureate of the Prince Albert Fund and worked in a mixed in-house role for a global FMCG company across the Middle East.

How many languages do you speak?

French, English and Dutch with a good grasp of Spanish and Swedish.   I am currently seeking to learn Arabic.

What made you want to be a solicitor / lawyer?

I felt inspired by my favourites movies, passion for languages and obsession for pragmatic problem-solving.

Business aside, what do you enjoy doing when you are not in the office?

My key hobbies include fitness, meditation, trading, non-fictional literature and travelling the world.

What is your secret talent?

I can mix electronic music for hours.