Sacha Chichioco

Sacha Chichioco

Administrative Assistant
+971 4 242 7843

What does your role entail at lecocqassociate?

I'm the administrative powerhouse ensuring seamless operations and support across the board. From managing schedules to enhancing office efficiency, I thrive in keeping everything organized and running smoothly.

Tell us about your academic and professional background.

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Development Management from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. This educational foundation enriches my expertise in organisational dynamics and strategic HR practices. I've cultivated a solid foundation in business principles and organizational management.

What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement?

Beyond professional milestones, I take pride in fostering a balanced lifestyle that integrates my career aspirations with personal interests. Achieving harmony between work and leisure fuels my motivation and enhances my overall well-being.

What is the most impactful thing you have done?

I find great fulfillment in helping individuals to realize their potential through various initiatives. I also try to make a positive impact wherever I can.

How many languages do you speak?

Fluent in English and Tagalog, and currently studying Emirati Arabic to deepen my cultural understanding and enhance communication in diverse environments.

What drives you?

I am fueled by a relentless pursuit of growth and learning, always seeking new challenges to expand my skills and broaden my perspectives. This drive extends beyond professional goals, pushing me to explore new interests and make meaningful contributions to the world around me.

Business aside, what do you enjoy doing when you are not in the office?

Outside the office, you'll often find me at the gym or boxing ring, staying active and challenging myself physically. In my spare time, I am dedicated to learning how to play the piano, which brings me joy and challenges me creatively. I also enjoy diving into anime, immersing myself in a good book, mastering video games, or simply enjoying downtime with loved ones.

What is your secret talent?

Plant whisperer by day, artist by night. Bringing nearly-dead plants back to life is my superpower. You'll also find me happily sketching or painting with both hands—it’s my double-handed creative groove!




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